The importance of Gender Education for Children and women.

The Mimutie Women Organization believes that for every person who has knowledge and understanding about something it will help him or her protect herself from violence. Educating children and women about sexual violence is very important as it will help them protect themselves against any violence that occurs in their environment.

It is important to that the lack of sufficient education and poor education against children and women from pastoral contributes to them being harassed due to not knowing the laws that protect their rights as well as the right place to be able to convey their problems.

In recognition of Mimutie Women Organization has been providing education on gender through various gatherings such as national and international concerts and even cultural gatherings with the aim of providing education on gender violence as well as telling the society the effects of gender violence. also through our projects we have been providing various trainings by involving women and men on how to work together to eradicate gender violence.

Recognizing the influence of government leaders and traditional leaders we have been sharing the training due to their influence in the community as this make it easier to convey a message to the community and helps to a large percentage to convey our message of opposing and eradicating gender based violence in the community.

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