Sexual violence that hurts Girls and Pastoral Women.

Some culture and traditions have been a great source for girls’ and women from pastoral communities to be hurts and lose their basic rights such as not having the right to education, making decisions and even owning property.

This is not a challenge but is a problem because these bad traditions and cultures have been the cause of them losing their lives and some getting pregnant at a young age and others being forced to marry at young age. In ensuring that we oppose and eradicate gender violence Mimutie Women Organization has been implementing its projects in these communities with the aim of delivering education to the community to eradicate gender violence.

We have also been been collaborating with other stakeholders to defend the rights of children and women in eradicating gender violence because young girls are losing their lives and others are failing to fulfil their educations dreams and thus losing leaders, parents and even losing the young and a future generation.

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